Product Details
+Contains 2 effective anti-aging ingredients: EGF and bFGF.
The body itself produce substances called EGF and bFGF which are key factors in keeping the outer and inner parts of the skin firm and smooth. However, in our mid-20s, the concentration of EGF in the body rapidly decreases and the amount of collagen produced in the skin also drops by 50% due to Ultraviolet light (UVA), which penetrates deeply into the skin and destroys the essential elements that leads skin health. However, skin with slowed production of EGF and bFGF can’t respond at the same rate as before due to the damages done by UVA. As a result, skin elasticity decreases starting from our mid-20s and becomes more noticeable in the form of wrinkles, fine lines, or lack of firmness in our 30s. To prevent signs of aging, it is important to start incorporating EGF in the 20s.
Recommended For:
Those concerns with wrinkles, fine lines, and pre-mature aging
Those looking for an anti-aging serum